What if we could educate more effectively, more efficiently at 1/18 the cost of public education?
We did. A review of the 2023-2024 academic year. This DiamondU’s 1st of many.

Imagine impacting the largest high school in the US with simple and lasting lessons for character development and life skills. 

There’s one high school in the US with more students than DiamondU’s reach this week. 

A simple article on why development beats showcasing, character is more important than reputation, got more email views than all but one high schools in the United States. 

The hunger for authentic education spanning every area of life is needed here: 

And it’s happening here: 

And here: 

Elite learning
8 board members with backgrounds in education, pro sports, business and tech are driving it. Sevwins Prep, a 501c3 non-profit, is impacting thousands of students on a turn of the century budget. There are only 5 high school in the country with 7,000 or more students. Each week Prep Notes (readers and exercises) engages that many. Students are engaging in elite mindset and character development, as well as life-skills training.

I look at life in a new way. I use these tools everyday to help me become a better all around person so I can thrive in college, later in my life, and so I can achieve all my goals.” High school student  

1/18 the cost of public education
As an organization we’re training 12-20 year olds at 5.5% the student hour cost of public education. Our ‘23-’24 budget nearly matched the cost of sending one student to public high school for a year ($15,000). 100% went to expenses and zero to salaries. The community of teachers and hungry students show what’s possible; a community of hungry learners making growth and goodness a lifestyle.

No cost to families
No one was turned away and many were sought out.

We reached the equivalent seat hours of 18 public school students, not with everyday training but with learning for every day. Through courses and live events for students, families and even some coaches, Sevwins Prep consumed 15,214 hours of varied training at no-cost to parents. 

Impact quality, $1.18 per learning hour 
The time spent and the reps of building life skills are the seed we’re planting. We’re winning by engaging students and families where they are, with the best in character building and college prep.

“I am so impressed with the way important life skills were made relatable.  Most weeks I was listening right along as a parent and learned valuable takeaways that I can apply in my professional life too. Our family appreciated the effort put into The Class series.  I know Luke is disappointed it’s coming to an end.” Lindsey U., middle-school parent

Engaging families where they are and off of social media 
It’s not social media views we’re after. It’s engagement through longform reading and classes.
*251,180 views and growing, @ 3 min per Prep Notes read (average) 

Character and skills development that win in life
Prep Notes has a lot of information that anyone would like to see.
Derek B., Junior College student-athlete

Ed for the better
For a little more than the cost of sending one child to public school for a year, we planted lasting seeds with thousands, created the full-time learning hours of 18 public school students. At $1.18 per learning hour, This is the time-equivalent of 18 students’ seat time for a full academic year

“The guest speaker was great. My teammates had never heard anything like that before.” 

Former D1 Athlete 

Teach What’s Not Taught in School  

18x More Efficient than Public Education 

Approximate National per pupil spending each year: ~$15,000
‘23-’24 spending: ~$18,000
Student training hours: 15,214
Course attendees: 619  
Subscribers: 15,319 
Scholarship students: $108 for the year

18x more efficient than public school spending to achieve student hours, and more effective.
“The lessons and information Luke gained will last a lifetime and for that I am so grateful!” Parent in Ohio

Starting Conversations at Home
The platform for hungry learners, parents and the college-bound students combined character ed and life-skills training. To 15,000+ subscribers, over 40 hybrid posts and exercises were delivered, 19 1-hour courses (fall and spring) and live college prep events created the conversations at home. 

Hi Coach Greg,
Thank you so much. Those videos are very helpful, and resourceful. We watch with our 11yr old boy, and with the recording we can pause and discuss in between. Thanks,

WE spend A typical high school student spends about 640 seat hours per year (20 per week, 32-weeks). DiamondU provided 15,214 total hours of varied training with a budget of only $18,000. 

National per-pupil spending: ~$15,000